Simplifying the requesting top-up experience
Product: Snapchat & Ding
My Role: Product Designer
Market: U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Germany, Oman, Indonesia, Malaysia and Australia
Ding is an international mobile recharge platform with over 1 million customers globally. It enables users to send phone credit home to over 150 countries and across more than 500 global operators.
In 2021, we designed the Ding Mini, a mini app inside Snapchat that allows Snapchat users to request and send mobile top-up to anyone, anywhere in the world.
This project is a kick-start on the discovery track of a new feature and it was designed in a partnership between Ding and Snapchat.
How it started
In a recent research, we learned that around 47% of top-ups are sent because someone has asked for it and this request is happening outside of the Ding world.
With that in mind, we wanted to understand how we could create a convenient way for receivers to request and receive top-ups using our product.
We decided to start the discovery focused on the Ding Mini, since friends are already using Snapchat to chat and interact with each other every day.
The process
Understanding the problem
Along with the designers, product manager and stakeholders we gathered all the information we already knew about the problem.
Exercises used in this research: review existent data and research, riskiest assumptions, hypotheses and solutions and crazy 8's.
Define the MVP
After having the exploration exercises we did a dot voting session to prioritize what features needed to be in the product and how the product should work.
The Solution / Sketch
Based on the dot voting results, I sketched and shared with a smaller group two end-to-end flows: Requester and Fulfiller.
For the session with the wider team, I presented wireframes to gather insights and feedback.
Video above: Requester flow
Image above: Requester flow
Image above: Sender flow
After the sessions, a request-led top-up experience for the Ding Mini was designed.
For the first round of user testing, we create two flows: request a top-up and fulfil a top-up.
I ran 10 remote moderated tests using Zoom.
What's next?
This experiment main's goal was to get started with the discovery track for a request-led top-up initiative.
Overall, we had an excellent outcome in the user testing to validate the feature.
Next, we will continue the discovery work and then define if the functionality is desirable, valuable, usable and feasible to build.
The case studies in this portfolio are under non-disclosure agreements (NDAs). As such, I have masked some information to protect the confidentiality of the project.
Please refrain from sharing this portfolio since it contains some confidential information.